Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beagle Meeting

This summer's beagle meeting was in Bellapark! So just a 10min walk from us. There were more than 10 bealges and Lili was happy to meet them all after a long long time!

Noh and Lili were playing sooo cute. Noh is already 10 years old , but just as fit as all the others!

1 comment:

Ice Pony Girl said...

What adorable beagles!

Please join our Happy Tails Beagle List, we have members from all over the world.

Here is a link to the Happy Tails List

Please share this link with all your beagle owner friends.

Hope to see you on the Happy Tails List!

Molly (Beagle)
Lucy (Aussie Kelpie)